Complaints Procedure


Winsley’s Charity aims to provide a high standard of accommodation that meets the individual needs of all our residents. We welcome suggestions for improving the quality of life of our residents and the quality of accommodation we provide. The Trustees have updated the procedures for handling complaints to reflect changes introduced in April 24 by the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code.  

This policy applies to the residents, employees and Trustees of Almshouse Charity of Arthur Winsley & Others and seeks to ensure that the Charity’s complaints process is flexible and responsive to the needs of our residents to enable them to be heard and understood.

The Charity complies with the Complaint Handling Code (the Code) issued by the Housing Ombudsman Service.  All complaints dealt with under this policy will be dealt with in a manner consistent with the Code and the Charity will maintain all records as required by the Code. This policy is publicised in the Residents’ Handbook and on our website. Hard copies are also available in the communal room. A copy is also available to download at the bottom of the page.

Definition of a complaint

The Code defines a complaint as:

An expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.

Making a complaint

Complaints should, in the first instance, be made to the General Manager. They can be made verbally, in writing or by e-mail.

The Manager will keep a log of all complaints received.

Procedure, timelines & Responsiveness


Stage One

Stage One: The Complaints Officer will discuss the problem with the complainant and will establish relevant facts, including any historical issues, supporting documentation and consider all relevant issues.  The complainant will be informed of the decision reached by the Complaints Officer, which will be confirmed in writing.

Stage Two

If all or part of the complaint is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction at stage one, it will be progressed to stage two, unless an exclusion ground applies (See section 7). In instances where we decline to escalate a complaint, we will communicate in writing the reasons for this as well as the resident’s right to approach the Housing Ombudsman about the decision. We will make reasonable efforts to understand why a resident remains unhappy as part of its stage 2 response. Residents are not be required to explain their reasons for requesting a stage 2 consideration. The resident may request a meeting with the Acting Trustee who will discuss the matter with the complainant. The complainant may bring along a third-party representative should they wish to do so.  The Acting Trustee may refer the complaint to four other trustees (Appeals Panel). The matter will also be discussed and minuted at the next meeting of the Trustees.

The resident may at any time contact the Housing Ombudsman Service.


We will seek to deal with all complaints in a timely manner and within the following timescale:

• Logging and acknowledgement of complaint – within five working days.
• Decision on action proposed to resolve the complaint – within ten working days of the complaint.
• In the case of an appeal to the Trustees – within 20 working days of the request to appeal

There may be occasions when the above timescales cannot be met. In these cases an explanation of the reasons for any delay will be given. In any event the delay will be limited to ten working days. The extension must be agreed by both parties.


All relevant staff will be involved in the investigation and of the outcomes and any follow up actions that are required.

The Trustees or Complaints Officer will write to the complainant detailing the outcome of the complaint with the reasons for their decision as soon as the answer is known. They will set out the steps to be taken to remedy the problem and any outstanding actions. Before finalising the decision, the complainant will be offered the opportunity to make clear their position, the outcome they are seeking and comment on any adverse findings before the final decision is made. A full record will of the complaint will be kept, along with any review, correspondence and the outcomes of each stage.

Unacceptable behaviour

The Trustees and staff will not tolerate abusive or unacceptable behaviour towards their staff, contractors, volunteers, other residents or Trustees.

Continuous learning and improvement

The Trustees will review all complaints at their Bi-monthly Board Meetings noting the grounds for the complaint, what went wrong, the remedy, any outstanding issues and any changes to services proposed.

The Trustees will include a comment on their learning and improvement from complaints in their Annual Report.

Housing Ombudsman Service

In the event that the complaint still remains unresolved, the resident may apply to the Ombudsman under the Independent Housing Ombudsman Scheme.

The service can be contacted by post, telephone, e-mail or through their website:

Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 152
L33 7WQ

Tel: 0300 111 3000
Web site:

When residents contact the Ombudsman they should state their full name and address, telephone number and e-mail address together with full details of their complaint.

Please see the below link for the full policy
